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New partnership with skycore swiss AG


With the new partnership with skycore swiss AG we bundle synergies and thus offer an all-round carefree package for IT outsourcing. With skycore swiss AG, we have now secured another [...]

Use fix-ready apps directly from App Launchpad


With App Launchpad, developers and DevOps engineers can install and use a catalog of apps at the click of a button. In your Virtual Data Center, you can easily deploy pre-built apps from the [...]

Reduce downtime with a second site


The loss of valuable data and especially unplanned interruptions are scenarios of today's companies that many tremble before. For this reason, a secure backup and recovery strategy is essential for today's companies. With [...]

Netstream receives ISO 27001 certification


Netstream AG successfully certifies its entire organization, including company-owned data centers, according to ISO/IEC 27001, which means we meet all the guidelines and processes required for the standard.

Easy migration of your VMware environment


With Netstream Workload Availability Service (NWAS), which is based on VMware Cloud Director Availability, you migrate to the Netstream Cloud easily, securely and faster.

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Managed Workplace - einfach sorglos arbeiten

Verabschieden Sie sich von dem Balanceakt, Ihr Team produktiv und Ihre IT sicher zu halten, während Ressourcen knapp sind. Unser Managed Workplace bietet Ihnen eine nahtlose, sichere und zugleich skalierbare Arbeitsplatzlösung für alle Unternehmensgrössen.

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