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New partnership with skycore swiss AG


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With the new partnership with skycore swiss AG we bundle synergies and thus offer an all-round carefree package for IT outsourcing.

With skycore swiss AG, we have now brought another strong partner on board to offer complete IT outsourcing to the highest standards for customers in the healthcare sector.

"Excellent service, personal contacts and fast response times are more in demand today than ever before, although the needs of the individual sectors differ enormously in some cases. With skycore swiss AG, we have a partner at our side who can complement us perfectly with its expertise in the healthcare sector".

Reto Kasser, CTO, Netstream AG

"With over 20 years of experience in IT consulting and services and expertise in serving customers in the healthcare sector, we see great potential in bundling our synergies with Netstream AG. By specializing, we can jointly provide the best service for our customers"

Matthias Imhof, Co-Founder, skycore swiss AG

Skycore swiss AG and Netstream AG will jointly accept projects with immediate effect.

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