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Simplify Machine Learning with Kubernetes Container


Meanwhile, building artificial intelligence (AI) models and implementing them in your business is extremely time-consuming and complex. With Kubernetes as a Service from Netstream, you leave all the computations you need to the [...]

Leveraging Kubernetes as a cloud-native application in existing architecture


The seamless integration of Kubernetes via VMware Tanzu makes it extremely easy to integrate the container environment into the existing architecture. This means that the containerized applications can be accessed directly from the existing infrastructure. With VMware Tanzu, the Kubernetes container environments can be very [...]

One of 21 Zero Carbon Committed Partners

Zero Carbon

We are pleased to be one of 21 Zero Carbon Committed Partners of VMware. An action that we are happy to support wholeheartedly. Already since 2018 we operate our data centers and [...]

Zero Carbon Committed

Zero Carbon

"Imagine people living fulfilled lives together with technology and nature." With our vision in mind, we are committed to sustainability. With "Zero Carbon Committed" from VMware [...]

Netstream receives VMware Cloud Verified certification

Cloud Verfified

Netstream receives VMware Cloud Verified certification. The highest possible certification in the VMware Partner Program guarantees that our cloud services are built on VMware infrastructure and meet a variety of criteria [...]

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure for mobile working


With Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, even performance-intensive workstations can be easily virtualized for mobile working. Benefit from maximum data security and scalability for flexible working models. More than ever, employees are working [...]

Backup and recovery modernization


Today, no company can avoid backing up its corporate data. Due to growing data volumes and increasing compliance requirements, backup solutions must be reconsidered and sustainably optimized. With the use of a cloud infrastructure, [...]

File Sharing from the Swiss Data Center

File sharing

Today's workplace must smoothly enable virtual collaboration while working on the move. An important success factor for this is a flexible and secure file sharing solution. Our certified partners will show you [...]

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Managed Workplace - einfach sorglos arbeiten

Verabschieden Sie sich von dem Balanceakt, Ihr Team produktiv und Ihre IT sicher zu halten, während Ressourcen knapp sind. Unser Managed Workplace bietet Ihnen eine nahtlose, sichere und zugleich skalierbare Arbeitsplatzlösung für alle Unternehmensgrössen.

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