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New "Business Continuity" portfolio in the starting blocks


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Netstream is developing new portfolio around business continuity and is now introducing new solutions to build and extend a disaster recovery strategy.

Data loss and interruptions are dreaded scenarios in everyday business today, as losses skyrocket all too quickly. With cyberattacks on the rise, companies must constantly improve their security measures to minimize downtime and prevent data loss, especially in the event of a disaster.

With the new portfolio around the topic of business continuity, we are now responding to market demand with simple solutions. With these solutions, customers can easily and flexibly expand their backup geo-redundantly and thus gain more data security. For more sophisticated requirements, the company now also offers a solution with which a redundant virtual infrastructure can be replicated in the Netstream Cloud. This allows customers to simply mirror their environment into the Netstream Cloud and switch to the second infrastructure in the event of a failure (planned or unplanned).

"With the new solutions, we support our customers in developing a suitable disaster recovery strategy - regardless of the size of the company. With the new portfolio, we have set ourselves the goal of simplifying a complex topic and providing our customers with simple solutions to enable more security in everyday business," says Reto Kasser, CTO of Netstream AG.

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