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David against Goliath - Swiss Cloud Provider against Hyperscaler


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The stone that can decide the unequal battle for market share between hyperscalers and regional cloud providers in Switzerland.

Who doesn't know them: the three hyperscalers and cloud giants Amazon, Microsoft and Google, which together dominate more than half of the market. Given this dominance, is it even worth considering regional cloud providers when choosing a cloud provider?

The Swissness Factor

The data location Switzerland with the associated security aspect is still a decisive criterion for the selection of a suitable cloud provider. In addition, there are some regulated industries, such as the financial or healthcare sector or the public sector, which are subject to legal regulations in the area of data protection and therefore have to store their data in Switzerland. Furthermore, the geographical proximity to the data center has a positive effect on latency.

Thanks to the country's advanced infrastructure, high security standards and good reputation, as well as its stable political situation and economy, Switzerland is also regarded internationally as a safe "data haven".

Goliath upgrades

In order to meet the increasing demand for Switzerland as a data location, hyperscalers are now also offering their own data centers in Switzerland. Swiss cloud providers no longer have much to offer against their almost infinite scaling, their huge portfolio and now also data storage in Switzerland. But it is worth taking a closer look and finding the stone that is enough to win against Goliath.

David's stones

The much-discussed CLOUD Act (Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act) also applies to offerings from American hyperscalers with data storage in Switzerland. The law obliges American IT service providers to guarantee the US authorities access to stored data even if the data is not stored in the USA. With a provider domicile and contract in Switzerland, you can largely avoid this problem.

With hyperscalers, services are obtained exclusively from a self-service portal without direct contact. As a rule, there are no fixed personal contacts or individual solutions. Language barriers in communication with foreign support can also harbor potential for misunderstandings. The regional provider can provide you with optimal support here and is interested in maintaining the partnership.

In contrast to large companies, medium-sized regional cloud providers have a higher interest in project business. The solution, prices as well as SLAs can be negotiated individually - for more flexibility, transparency and trust on both sides.

Netstream as a strong partner

Netstream AG not only operates its own data centers in Switzerland, but is also headquartered in Wallisellen and privately owned in Switzerland. With our know-how and expertise, we can find and implement the right solution for our partners, aiming for a long-term strategic partnership.

Do you want to learn more? Then book your appointment with our experts.

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