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Certifications of Netstream AG

As a company, it is important to us that we can offer our customers internationally known standards that they can trust. With certifications in various areas, we can give our customers more security.

Below you will find various certifications that Netstream AG has received. In order to obtain these certifications, Netstream had to comply with the respective standard and can thus offer customers an additional advantage.

VMware Cloud Verified

The Cloud Verified certification guarantees that our cloud services are based on the VMware reference design and meet all the requirements of a modern cloud infrastructure in terms of quality and interoperability. Cloud Verified Partner services give customers access to all the features of the VMware cloud infrastructure, including integration, cost optimization and flexibility. Netstream AG thus achieves the highest possible partner status with VMware

Cloud Verfified

Swiss hosting

In order for services with the logo to be designated as "swiss hosting", the following conditions must be met:

  • The registered office and the place of effective management of the licensee must be in Switzerland (see Art. 49(1) MSchG). 
  • The hosting of
    - offered applications
    - personal data
    - factual data (business information, financial data, - research results, etc.)
    must take place in a data center in Switzerland. Data protection and data security must be subject to Swiss law.
  • If the awarded product is a "Software as a Service" (SaaS), only offers may be awarded with "swiss hosting" if the hoster also fulfills the requirements mentioned above. The licensee shall obtain written assurance of this from the hoster.
  • Access from abroad to the hosting environment and/or the data for operation and administration by the hoster must be protected in such a way that the data remains entirely in Switzerland and cannot be viewed or demanded, either directly or indirectly, by a foreign organization or government. This also applies to foreign group companies.
  • In the case of mixed offers (hosting possible both domestically and abroad), the logo may only be used for offers that fully meet the criteria. It must be clear to the addressees which offers meet the criteria and which do not.
swiss hosting
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