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Reduce downtime with a second site


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The loss of valuable data and especially unplanned interruptions are scenarios of today's companies that many tremble before. A secure backup and recovery strategy is therefore essential for today's companies. With a second site in the Netstream Cloud, you can massively reduce your downtime.

In an age where ransomware in particular plays a feared role, it's no wonder that more and more companies are thinking about their backup strategy. But ransomware isn't the only threat. Consider other scenarios, such as hardware failures, power outages or simply human error. All example have one thing in common, they can trigger interruptions to your business operations and quickly hold you back for days. This is not only annoying, but also quickly very expensive. With an up-to-date disaster recovery strategy, you can react quickly in the event of a disaster and keep your most important business processes running.

A second site as a replacement infrastructure

Being able to restore a backup in the event of a disaster is helpful, but it takes an enormous amount of time depending on the size of the business. Valuable time in which your business processes fall by the wayside. With a second site, you can mirror business processes in a second data center and thus simply put the replacement infrastructure into operation in the event of a failure.

Active mode: With an active second site, the second infrastructure is operated continuously and thus requires resources throughout. The downtime is lowest with this variant because the replacement infrastructure is already running and operation only needs to be "switched over".

Standby mode: The second site is only activated when required, so that storage is regularly used for replication, but no other resources are required. The usual virtual servers do not run until activation. This variant is less expensive, but requires a moment to start the replacement infrastructure.

Netstream Workload Availability Service (NWAS) takes care of your Second Site

With the Netstream Workload Availability Service you can easily implement a replacement infrastructure according to your needs. Determine yourself which workloads should remain redundant and how often replication should take place. Choose the mode of the second infrastructure (active or standby) and configure your second site according to your company's needs. In the event of an outage (planned or unplanned), you can easily switch to the second infrastructure in the Netstream Cloud and save time, costs and nerves.


  • Reduce downtime and save time, costs and nerves.
  • Respond easily to planned and unplanned outages
  • Full power over Second Site configuration
  • Additional security against ransomware
  • Easy integration with Netstream Cloud Services
  • Leverage hybrid cloud strategy

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