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Cost-effective and simple data archiving with Archive Storage


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Netstream's Archive Storage is 100% compatible with the S3 standard and thus offers a simple solution for long-term data archiving, as this allows a seamless connection to the existing backup architecture.

Did your data also get 10 years - or even more? Digital data storage for compliance with legal retention periods (Article 958f Swiss Code of Obligations) and long-term archiving raises questions for many companies. We show you how to archive your data easily and securely with Archive Storage from Netstream.

What is the difference between "archiving" and "backup"?

The two terms are often confused with each other, although they serve different purposes and therefore differ in fundamental ways.

What solution does Netstream offer for long-term data archiving?

With the Archive Storage Bundle, you get a practical solution for long-term data storage. Because with it, they are simply and securely outsourced to a second level of the backup infrastructure. And there they can be stored in a storage- and cost-efficient manner as well as geo-redundantly. This ensures the permanent availability of your data and customer data.

How does data storage work in Archive Storage?

Simple and hassle-free. Because thanks to native integration for S3-compatible service providers, a wide variety of backup environments can be connected seamlessly. Therefore, you do not need to change the existing backup infrastructure, but can simply extend it.

What are the advantages at a glance?

  • Unlimited scalability
  • Simple and affordable price packages
  • Double protection of your sensitive data thanks to geo-redundancy
  • Flexibility through high compatibility
  • Effective data protection from ransomware attacks
  • Data storage with secure and simple HTTPS connection
  • Swiss Safety thanks to own Swiss Data Centers
  • Seamless integration with existing services
  • High availability thanks to Erasure Coding
  • Simple operation via web portal      

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