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Easy migration of old VMware vSphere 6.0/6.5/6.7 environments

VMware update

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Despite numerous security vulnerabilities and the increasing cases of ransomware attacks, many on-premises VMware vSphere environments are at an outdated software state with version 6.7, 6.5 or even 6.0. This is despite the fact that there is a simple and painless solution to migrate here.

VMware already declared vSphere version 6.0 "end of support" on March 12, 2020. In just a few weeks (October 15, 2022), even versions 6.7 & 6.5 will also be set to "end of support". This is now putting many companies on the spot, as they run the risk of being stuck on non-supported versions. What many do not know yet, there is a simple solution.

The pitfalls of an update

The actual update to a newer version is usually unproblematic. The real pitfalls become apparent in the dependencies on third-party manufacturers, drivers or other integrations. In old environments, the hardware on which vSphere is installed has often reached the end of its life cycle. Therefore, simple upgrades often end up in large, time-consuming and tedious projects.

Additionally, such upgrades are difficult to plan for, as companies would rather focus their resources on their core business and value creation rather than hardware replacement and VMware upgrades.

Easy migration thanks to Netstream Workload Availability Service

With Netstream Workload Availability Service (NWAS), which is based on VMware Cloud Director Availability, you migrate to the Netstream Cloud easily, securely and especially faster. Additionally, migrations of old versions 6.0/6.5/6.7 to the current versions are supported.

With Netstream, you can upgrade to the latest VMware version and migrate your entire infrastructure to the cloud right away!

Using the Netstream Workload Availability Service (NWAS) and a layer 2 tunnel between the on-prem infrastructure and the Netstream cloud infrastructure, workloads can be easily moved. In this way, a seamless migration is possible. The workloads can be used hybrid during the migration - on the old on-prem infrastructure, the cloud or the edge cloud.

Less effort and still more cloud thanks to the Edge Cloud Service

Do you want to continue to run your data in your own data center, but minimize the effort, reduce the costs, and at the same time be less dependent on required skilled workers? Use Netstream's Edge Cloud solution and get a fully managed cloud environment on-premises at your location.

Do you need support with the digital transformation of your company? We will be happy to support you.

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