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New telephone numbers for the entire company


Netstream treats itself to new telephone numbers after the new office. After the move into the new office building, new telephone numbers follow. Not only the main number of Netstream AG has been changed [...].

Netstream now lives in Wallisellen


You will now find us in building R4 of the Richti Areal in Wallisellen. The new premises symbolize our corporate and organizational realignment and open up new opportunities for us. The past year has [...]

bike to work Challenge 2020


This fall, two teams from #TeamNetstream cycled again in the bike to work Challenge 2020, covering a fabulous 100% of their commute by bike! bike to [...]

Netstream AG establishes two subsidiaries


Netstream AG establishes Netstream Immobilien AG and Netstream Cloud AG as new subsidiaries. Netstream AG holds a 100% stake in each of the two companies. The entry in the [...]

Netstream sells voice and connectivity business

After the hosting business, we are now handing over voice and connectivity to competent partners. This concludes our focusing strategy and we will now be devoting ourselves fully to our core business with [...].

Full throttle for the #versusvirus Hackaton

Versus virus

As a team, we are helping to find bold and innovative ideas that will help Switzerland stand in solidarity now and emerge stronger from the current difficult situation caused by Covid-19. [...]

Fraud on the Internet: Stay alert!


Phishing emails, fake prize notifications, demands for money or supposed job offers - scammers on the Internet are getting more and more creative to get to their victims. Stay alert to possible traps, then you can avoid the [...]

Netstream adopts measures to protect against COVID-19

We are closely following the events concerning the spread of the coronavirus/COVID-19 and are anxious to implement the prevention measures of the FOPH. The protection of our employees, partners and customers has a high priority for Netstream AG [...].

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