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Netstream adopts measures to protect against COVID-19

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We are closely following the events concerning the spread of the coronavirus/COVID-19 and are anxious to implement the prevention measures of the FOPH.

The protection of our employees, partners and customers is a top priority for Netstream AG. It is a key concern for us to maintain our service and to ensure an uninterrupted operation of our services. Therefore, we have decided to take the following additional measures.

An important measure for prevention is the promotion of home office. As early as Monday, March 16, 2020, our employees, divided into two teams, will therefore take turns working from home. In addition, we have instructed our team to stop holding physical meetings. As an IT company, we are relying on a digital solution here and are holding our meetings immediately by telephone or video conference. This also applies to meetings with external partners or customers. We thank you at this point for your understanding.

We continue to monitor the situation and respond with the necessary preventive measures to maintain the health and well-being of our employees and the integrity of our services.

For questions or further information we are of course at your disposal.

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