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Full throttle for the #versusvirus Hackaton

Versus virus

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As a team, we are helping to find bold and innovative ideas that will help Switzerland stand in solidarity now and emerge stronger from the current difficult situation caused by Covid-19.

The current time challenges us all, because the impact of Covid-19 is already enormous and it remains difficult to estimate how this will develop further. We are all challenged to do our part to contain the virus. That is why we support the #versusvirus project.

Our team, potentially 8 million others and 48 hours to find creative, innovative and bold solutions in the fight against coronavirus. This is the idea of Between 04/03/2020 and 04/05/2020, we want to work together in an online hackathon to develop working digital or analog prototypes to counter the virus with tangible solutions. For this to work, the #versusvirus Hackathon needs a strong, diverse community. In other words, people with very different perspectives and skills. That's where we come in!

We wholeheartedly support this initiative. That is why we are also participating in this event with a delegation of volunteers from our #TeamNetstream to do our part in the search for solutions. Because we are convinced that we can master this time together.

- Alexis Caceda, CEO, Netstream AG

We are already in the starting blocks and are very excited! 3....2.....1.....

More info about the project can also be found at:

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