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Netstream sells voice and connectivity business

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After the hosting business, we are now also handing over voice and connectivity to competent partners. This completes our focusing strategy and we will now devote ourselves entirely to our core business with cloud and streaming services. In the future, Netstream will thus become a pure IT infrastructure provider with a focus on B2B business.

As part of a strategic realignment, Netstream's Board of Directors decided back in 2018 that we would focus fully on the cloud and streaming services business in the future. Accordingly, solutions were sought for the Voice, Connectivity and Hosting divisions. Our goal was to find partners who have a great deal of experience in the respective business areas and can continue to operate them successfully accordingly. It was important to ensure maximum continuity for current customers.

After the hosting business was already handed over to Internet Group AG in February 2020, we have now also been able to find a competent partner for voice and connectivity.

The voice business, including the award-winning portal, will be sold with immediate effect to Nexphone AG, a company specializing in telephony solutions, which will operate the services under netvoip AG as a subsidiary. The connectivity business will also be spun off with immediate effect to netconnect AG, a new company founded by Tom Knienieder and other Swiss tech investors.

Thus, we would like to thank our loyal customers for their cooperation and now hand them over to competent hands.

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