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Netstream welcomes the acquisition of Wilmaa by Sunrise


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Statement of Netstream AG regarding the acquisition of Wilmaa AG by Sunrise Communications AG.

Netstream AG has been supplying IPTV to Sunrise since 2012. However, the successful partnership has existed since 2007.

On 18.06.2020, Sunrise announced in a media release that it had acquired 100% of the shares in Wilmaa AG and taken over the 10 employees. With the acquisition of Wilmaa AG, Sunrise aims to use the acquired know-how for the further development of its OTT TV offerings and thus strengthen its position in the market. Sunrise's OTT platform is structured independently of the IPTV environment and is provided by another provider. The purchase therefore has no direct impact on the partnership between Sunrise and Netstream AG.

Netstream AG welcomes the acquisition. This investment confirms the strategic importance of TV and streaming in general and opens up new opportunities for both sides. For us, our long-standing partnership with Sunrise Communications AG is paramount at this point and we support Sunrise in this venture. With our know-how we are able to support and complement Sunrise in an optimal way. We are in close exchange and are not only examining the newly gained opportunities, but also how we can make the best possible use of the synergies.

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