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Fraud on the Internet: Stay alert!


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Phishing emails, fake prize notifications, demands for money or supposed job offers - scammers on the Internet are getting more and more creative to get to their victims. Stay alert to possible traps, then you can enjoy the Internet to the fullest.

Phishing e-mails

Despite spam filters, unwanted emails still land in the inbox. These are often fake prize notifications, supposed invoices or even tempting job offers. The attackers want to get their hands on sensitive data or your computer.

  • Always remain critical of euphoric-sounding emails.
  • Take a close look at the sender. Is it a cryptic address that means nothing? Even if it seems like the email comes from a well-known company, this can be deceiving. A look at the official site of the company can help here. Of course, if you are very unsure, you can always contact the supposed company to verify the email.
  • Be aware that professional providers will never ask you via email to reveal sensitive data such as logins or passwords.
  • Links in emails can take you to fake sites or download files automatically. Be aware that the link text may be different from the actual link URL. So, if the link looks harmlessly like, the URL behind it might actually lead to a completely different place.
  • Open attachments only from trusted people. Also check the format of an attachment. Reputable companies will hardly send invoices in a Word format. If you are unsure whether an attachment can be opened without danger, you should have it scanned by a virus program.
  • Phishing emails often come with many spelling and syntax errors.
  • Do not reply to spam emails, otherwise you will verify your address for the scammers and you may receive more spam.
  • For example, for private purposes, use your own email address that you never give online and only use for friends and relatives.
  • Are you pressured in the mail? For example, to give your credit card or bank information to avoid consequences? This can be a psychological trick of cybercriminals.
  • Impersonal salutations can also be a clue.

When surfing, you will constantly encounter the conspicuously placed call-to-action buttons luring you with offers. Behind them are often fake sweepstakes, surveys or offers. Online stores are particularly popular here, for example. These look quite normal at first glance, but you usually wait in vain for your goods.

  • Look closely at the URL and trust your gut.
  • Always remain skeptical of suspiciously cheap merchandise.
  • Take a look at the imprint of the websites.
  • Look for testimonials from other buyers (e.g. via Google or various platforms).
  • Take a closer look at exclusively positive and very euphoric comments.
  • Only download files from checked sites or always activate a virus scanner here as well.
  • Always enter sensitive data with care.
  • Does the website look like it comes from a well-known company? Nevertheless, look out for errors, for example in the logo or in the name.

But fallen into a trap?

With all due care, you may still fall into a fraudulent trap. Act quickly to avoid/minimize damage.

  • Report the case of fraud to the police (they may also take criminal action) and raise awareness among those around you.
  • If you have made a payment with your credit card, contact your bank or credit card company quickly and have your cards blocked if necessary.
  • If you have provided account information for a platform, change your credentials immediately. Change the credentials immediately everywhere you use the same ones. For security, never use the same credentials for different platforms.


Always remain vigilant in the world of the Internet. If you are not sure, contact the sender via official numbers or addresses and ask. Check sites that have made it their mission to expose and list scams (e.g. Watchlist. Keep your operating system and antivirus program up to date. Regularly check your bank statements and credit card statements and act immediately if there are any discrepancies.

You can find more information on the topic here:

Cantonal police project

Herewith we wish you happy and safe surfing!

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