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Netstream brings Zerto to the Swiss cloud

Netstream and HPE

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Netstream AG, expands its portfolio with the data availability solution from Zerto. The aim is to offer companies the option of replicating their business-critical IT applications at a second location in a Swiss cloud and thus achieve greater data security. The company is supported in the project by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Switzerland (HPE).

Reducing downtime, improving disaster and ransomware recovery, securing and protecting business-critical IT applications and data - these are scenarios that today's business leaders have to deal with. After all, failures of any kind often cause devastating damage in the form of data loss, financial losses and much more.

Unpredictable outages and the increasing complexity of IT and cloud environments are massive challenges that companies have to face. From our perspective, it is imperative that business leaders ensure uninterrupted operations. HPE company Zerto provides greater IT security with its platform, which Netstream uses in its solution to enable easy replication of data to a Swiss cloud.

Jens Brandes, Managing Director of Hewlett Packard Enterprise Switzerland (HPE).

Planned and unplanned failures and interruptions of the IT infrastructure can cause considerable damage. This fact is often ignored by companies or they are not aware of it. The cost and time required to develop and implement a disaster recovery strategy, as well as the lack of know-how, are also major hurdles for many companies.

Reto Kasser, CTO of Netstream AG

Disaster recovery: prevention pays off


Prevention pays off. Both HPE and Netstream are convinced of this. With the Netstream Workload Availability Service (NWAS), Netstream is launching a solution that enables companies to maintain operations in the event of a disaster and to resume them within a very short time. NWAS is based on Zerto's Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service platform. Using Continuous Data Protection (CDP) replication technology, customers' virtual systems, applications or databases are replicated to Netstream's Swiss data center. If desired, workloads can be mirrored to up to two additional environments at the customer site or even to the Netstream Public Cloud on AWS.

Netstream works closely with the customer to develop a suitable disaster recovery strategy, including defining the number of storage points per minute so that in the event of a failure, the appropriate recovery point can be selected from the journal to restore workloads to the desired environment. With Zerto's efficient CDP, organizations benefit from the industry's fastest recovery times (less than 15 seconds).

Netstream's Workload Availability Service

With Netstream's Workload Availability Service, organizations also gain other disaster recovery and workload mobility management benefits by eliminating the need to operate a dedicated fallback environment and by orchestrating off-site.

The solution is available now. For more information about Zerto in the Netstream Cloud, click here.

Read the related media release.

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