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Bridging hardware failures thanks to redundancy


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Even the most modern technology can fail once in a while. Ensure redundancy in your IT with a fallback infrastructure in the Swiss cloud and simply switch to the replacement infrastructure in the event of an IT failure. Redundancy saves you time, nerves and money.  

Even the most modern hardware has its weak points and can fail and break down. For example, a hard disk can crash, a server can overheat or it can be temporarily overloaded. The result is usually a partial failure of the IT infrastructure. In such a situation, business processes come to a standstill or even lie idle. This quickly becomes troublesome and expensive. Such scenarios are typical for so-called internal sources of danger. But mitigating the risk and massively reducing downtime is not difficult. Redundancy is the keyword here.

To counteract hardware failures, it is important to assess real risks and take preventive measures. Urgently needed parts of the infrastructure should urgently be operated redundantly (i.e., twice or even several times). However, operating all important equipment twice is not only time-consuming, but also costly. Netstream has a simple solution for such hardware failures. 

With Netstream Workload Availability Service (NWAS for short ), you can easily and securely build a standby system without having to invest further in hardware. Your team does not have to operate and maintain the systems twice. Nevertheless, in the event of a disaster (in this scenario, a hardware failure), you can simply bring the standby system on line in the Netstream Cloud (disaster recovery). 

It's as simple as this: 

First, determine which systems are absolutely necessary to keep your business processes active. Then consider the maximum duration of a failure of these systems. With this information, you can then configure the NWAS for your needs. 

Advantages at a glance: 

  1. Simple redundancy in the Swiss cloud 
  2. Industry's fastest recovery times of under 15 seconds. 
  3. Your virtual machines can be replicated in parallel, so in the event of a disaster, you can switch to the replacement system virtually seamlessly. 
  4. Take the pressure off your team.  
  5. Use the backup in the cloud even in case of planned outages (for example hardware maintenance, updates,...) 
  6. Keep your cool in the event of an outage and simply activate your infrastructure in the Netstream Cloud. 
  7. Easy redundancy without having to build a fallback infrastructure. 
  8. Protect yourself from other failure scenarios as well.  

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