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Seamless connection of S3-capable backup solutions to object storage


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Today, no company can avoid backing up its corporate data. Due to growing data volumes and increasing compliance requirements, backup solutions need to be rethought and sustainably optimized. With the S3 standard, you can integrate your existing backup solution into object storage and gain flexibility, security and geo-redundancy - smart with Netstream's cloud services....

The amount of data in companies is increasing rapidly these days. A secure backup solution is not only recommended, but absolutely necessary. Common file management systems such as Acornis, Veeam, Commvault, Bacula, Rubrik, Altar, Barracuda, etc. ensure that data is backed up to the first level of the backup infrastructure. Such backup & recovery solutions have proven their worth especially in terms of regular data backup and fast recovery. But what happens to older data that is no longer needed immediately, but still needs to be backed up? How practical would it be if data could be outsourced to a second level of the backup infrastructure - where it could be stored in a storage- and cost-efficient as well as geo-redundant manner.

Native Object Storage Integration thanks to S3

This is where Netstream's Object Storage comes in. Thanks to native object storage integration for S3-compatible service providers, a wide variety of backup environments can be seamlessly connected to object storage. This reduces your backup storage costs, gives you more flexibility, and stores your data in a geo-redundant manner - regardless of your existing backup infrastructure. Object Storage can also make an important and legally compliant contribution to long-term archiving (LTA), which is mandatory in many industries, and ensures the long-term availability of information.

S3 standard from AWS

S3 emerged from AWS 's storage offering and has become the standard for storage interfaces in recent years. S3 is based on HTTP(S) to address the requirements of a geographically distributed infrastructure. Due to the high penetration of the S3 protocol, a wide range of backup solutions can be integrated. This means that you do not need to change your existing backup infrastructure, but can simply extend it.

Advantages of this solution scenario:

  • Relieve the load on your local backup infrastructure and thus increase availability.
  • Stay flexible with high compatibility.
  • With Cloudian as a partner, we guarantee seamless integration with existing services.
  • Store your sensitive data with a secure and simple HTTPS connection.
  • Reduce your IT costs by connecting object storage.
  • Benefit from unlimited scalability with native object storage.
  • Thanks to geo-redundancy, your sensitive data is doubly protected.
  • Also protect yourself from ransomware attacks.

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