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Beam me up: Netstream Cloud as an entrepreneurial booster


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"What's the point?" - this is certainly one of the most important customer questions before a complete or partial switch to the cloud. Unfortunately, there is no short answer to the question about the benefits. After all, there are many good reasons that speak in favor of a switch to the Netstream Cloud from a business perspective.

In our last blog post, we addressed the question of the cost benefits of a full or partial switch to the Netstream Cloud.
Conclusion: In terms of costs, the cloud is ahead in the long run!

Now let's look at what other benefits there are for your business and your customers' businesses when you choose Netstream as your cloud partner.

Flexibility and scalability in any business situation

Imagine that the business situation changes and you or your customer need more computer resources because the company grows. Or a project is discontinued and therefore less IT capacity is needed again. The good news: Both cases can be solved quickly and easily with a complete or partial switch to the cloud. Because Netstream Cloud Services make it possible to adapt the IT infrastructure exactly to the needs. So you and your customers remain flexible in any business situation and benefit from the scalability of our cloud solution.

Alexander Burkert, Head of Sales & Marketing at Netstream: "Business risk is significantly reduced by the high speed of adaptation. And, an important point for many of our customers: unused IT resources are a thing of the past."

Mobile working around the clock

Your customers' need for flexible working models has never been greater. However, the device-, time- and location-independent work of employees poses challenges for many companies with a classic on-premises infrastructure. Particularly with performance-intensive workstations, for example with graphics or CAD software, the limits of what is feasible are quickly reached.

Netstream's cloud services provide your customers with individual solutions and enable flexible working. "Many customers are surprised that with the cloud even complex projects can be implemented mobile and without problems." Alexander Burkert is convinced that this also opens up new opportunities for flexible working models and paths to digital transformation in less digitized industries.

We tailor the cloud to your customers' needs

Your customers' hardware is not yet obsolete and therefore a switch to the cloud seems premature to them? Alexander Burkert knows this initial question from many customers. "A fundamental advantage of an external data center infrastructure in the cloud is that we develop a customized solution for your customers that meets their individual needs and business processes. This means we consider together whether full or partial outsourcing makes sense and which cloud services make sense to start with. For many of our customers, extending their existing infrastructure has initially proved to be the best option."

Often, the choice then falls on a so-called hybrid cloud approach. If the virtual data center is used as a supplement to the on-premises infrastructure, your customer can use the best of both worlds for his company with the 2nd site. It offers maximum compatibility and seamless integration into the existing VMware Availability Suite.

More protection for customer data, new business areas for you

Is your customers' corporate data adequately protected against digital extortion by ransomware? Is their backup solution already redundant for additional data security? And how fast is the data exchange in case of recovery?

For Alexander Burkert, these are important questions from a business perspective, to which Netstream offers an individual answer for your customers with its cloud services. The advantage here? "A complete backup in the 2nd site enables your customers to access their data again within a very short time in the event of a ransomware attack. This protects your customers' data even better and also opens up new business areas for you."

Cloud partnership with win-win factor

Your customers entrust their IT infrastructure to your expertise and value you as a reliable partner for IT solutions. Therefore, you also need a trusted technology partner who will work with you towards the best cloud solutions for your customers. Netstream is convinced that only a win-win partnership with your cloud partner can produce the best solutions for your customers.

Alexander Burkert describes the advantages of being a Netstream cloud partner: "Together with our distribution partner Zibris AG, we support you in expanding your portfolio and opening up new business areas. You benefit from concentrated technological know-how in a double pack. Not only in all aspects of the cloud, but also when it comes to defining and marketing the individual use cases for your customers. Cloud services also enable you to make the transition from project business to recurring revenue - an additional security for your business.
As an SME, we speak your language and also know the importance of a transparent pricing model that adapts individually to the customer's benefit without hidden costs. Therefore, as our partner, our channel only model enables you to build a profitable cloud business with your end customers despite market-driven conditions."

Because this is how Netstream defines a fair partnership with a win-win effect for both partners.

Safety "made in Switzerland

Did you know? Your customers' data is safe with us! In our own highly secure Swiss data centers. Because that's where the Netstream Cloud continues to operate at full steam and reliably, even when you and your customers are not working.

Contact us

Have we made you curious? Take us at our word and learn even more about a partnership with Netstream and the possibilities our cloud services offer your customers. Alexander Burkert and the entire team look forward to hearing from you!

All entrepreneurial advantages at a glance

  • More flexibility
    through scalability and rapid adjustment of IT capacity
  • More mobility
    through Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (vDI) or terminal services
  • More individuality
    e.g. through hybrid cloud approach (2nd site as supplement to on-premises)
  • More security
    with Backup as a Service and Disaster Recovery as a Service
  • More business potential
    thanks to cloud services  
  • More trust
    thanks to technological expertise and fair partnership conditions
  • More Swissness
    through own Swiss data centers
  • More cost advantages

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