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Geo-redundant extension of your backup infrastructure

Object Storage

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Loss of valuable data is one of the worst scenarios of today's companies. That's why a secure backup and recovery strategy is essential in modern times. For example, backing up data using file-based external media is still extremely popular. Go one step further and additionally back up your data in object storage or outsource it there and gain flexibility, security and geo-redundancy - smart with Netstream's cloud services.

Backing up data using external data carriers or network attached storage (NAS for short) is still a common method. Such methods are comparatively inexpensive and easy to set up, and are usually also very durable. But local backup solutions, such as backing up to an external hard drive, have a disadvantage in practice: since the original and backup files are usually located in the same place, both the backup and the original file could be destroyed at once in the event of a fire or water damage. For this reason, it is not uncommon for the backup on an external data storage device to be taken home in the evening or placed in a safe deposit box. Although this reduces the risk, it is inconvenient and time-consuming. In addition, such a backup always represents only a snapshot and some data is already no longer up-to-date at the time of a possible restore.

Data backup in object storage

By backing up your data to Netstream's object storage, you gain flexibility, security, and geo-redundancy so you don't have to worry about such scenarios. Outsource your data to object storage or use it in addition to your existing backup infrastructure to achieve geo-redundancy.

Easy data backup using backup and synchronization software

With the help of file management and synchronization software on your NAS, files can be moved directly to the object storage. This gives you full control over data management. With the help of various third-party software solutions (e.g. CloudBerry), you are also able to write data directly to the object storage without a NAS. With this solution, you can save yourself the manual backup via hard disks.

Increase your flexibility and security and save costs.

You think the cloud is too expensive for small businesses? We dispel this myth, because the cloud is suitable for any size of company. With the cloud, you are able to scale infinitely and end up paying only for what you really need. In addition, with object storage, data is stored in its entirety as individual objects, unlike traditional block- or file-based systems. Associated metadata provides descriptive information about these and the data itself. This form of object storage is extremely efficient and can therefore be used cost-effectively. It also allows you to search and locate data more easily.

Advantages of this solution scenario:

  • Relieve the load on your local backup infrastructure and thus increase availability.
  • Simplify and automate your backup to stay as current as possible.
  • Stay flexible with high compatibility.
  • Store your sensitive data with a secure HTTPS connection.
  • Reduce your IT costs by connecting object storage.
  • Benefit from unlimited scalability with native object storage.
  • Thanks to geo-redundancy, your sensitive data is doubly protected.

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