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We are also committed to bees next year


In 2023 we again support the interest group IG Biene and take over the sponsorship of several bee colonies. Already in 2021 we started to support bee colonies and since then we have taken over the sponsorship [...]

Netstream bee colonies and the summer of 2021


Our Netstream colonies had a difficult summer. Due to the prolonged cold in spring and the wet summer, there was too little pollen for the bees in many places. All the more important was [...]

One of 21 Zero Carbon Committed Partners

Zero Carbon

We are pleased to be one of 21 Zero Carbon Committed Partners of VMware. An action that we are happy to support wholeheartedly. Already since 2018 we operate our data centers and [...]

Zero Carbon Committed

Zero Carbon

"Imagine people living fulfilled lives together with technology and nature." With our vision in mind, we are committed to sustainability. With "Zero Carbon Committed" from VMware [...]

Netstream takes over bee sponsorship


Netstream supports the bee interest group and takes over the sponsorship of three bee colonies. With this, we would like to support in particular young beekeepers in Switzerland who are committed to organic beekeeping [...]

New plant and water walls and bureau booths


Our new office in Wallisellen is taking shape. Plant walls and waterfalls bring nature to us and improve our air quality. In addition, we now also have Bureau Booths, which provide quiet and focused [...]

A sign of sustainability with hardware donation


Netstream AG stands for sustainable corporate management. The harmony between people, technology and nature forms the core of its vision. But how can sustainability be lived in the "daily business" of an IT company [...]

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Managed Workplace - einfach sorglos arbeiten

Verabschieden Sie sich von dem Balanceakt, Ihr Team produktiv und Ihre IT sicher zu halten, während Ressourcen knapp sind. Unser Managed Workplace bietet Ihnen eine nahtlose, sichere und zugleich skalierbare Arbeitsplatzlösung für alle Unternehmensgrössen.

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