Netstream bee colonies and the summer of 2021


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Our Netstream colonies had a difficult summer. Due to the prolonged cold in spring and the wet summer, there was too little pollen for the bees in many places. Therefore, the supplementary feeding of substitute products was all the more important for many beekeepers this year.

This year, we as Netstream have taken over the sponsorship of a total of three bee colonies. Unfortunately, our bees and also many bees nationwide did not have a good summer. Many beekeepers are facing empty honey jars this year and tremble how many of their bees will make it through the winter.

The cold spells at the beginning of the year inhibited the development of the bee colonies on the one hand, and on the other hand there was an increased need for feed due to the existing brood activity, so that the bee colonies had to be emergency fed partly with feed dough. The summer was also not too merciful. In particular, the persistent wetness caused a lack of pollen in many places.

Now it is important to bring the bees safely through the winter!

How to help?

Unfortunately, we have no influence on the weather. However, we can all do our part for biodiversity.

If you have a garden, there are many ways to make it bee-friendly. For example, a flower meadow instead of a lawn, native shrubs, flower beds with native flower mixtures that provide pollen and nectar for bees throughout the year. This will please not only bees, but also butterflies, beetles and many other insects. You can also provide bee-friendly plants on the balcony and windowsills.

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