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Anyone who has applied for a job in a small or larger company is familiar with answers from text modules, the classic phrases in e-mails and the sometimes very stiff and reserved manner. If you like this rather undercooled and impersonal way of interpersonal communication, you will find it in many places, but not at Netstream.

All from the beginning

I came across Netstream by chance, as I drove past the Netstream office building on my daily commute. I asked around about the company and applied for a technical support position for the first time. Unfortunately without success.

Even with my second application for the same position, it shouldn't have been. However, the company's appearance didn't let me go and so I tried a third time.

All good things come in threes - I was invited for an interview!

I've been able to experience a few job interviews at other companies, as an applicant, but also "from the other side of the table". What I didn't expect, however, was such a relaxed and friendly conversation. Any nervousness I had vanished into thin air in a very short time due to the open manner of Eva (HR) and Stefano (supervisor). It was clear relatively quickly that there would be another interview and that I would be allowed to gain a deeper insight into the activities.

I was allowed to get a taste of Netstream air for one morning. I was immediately introduced personally to the members of the department and was allowed to get a picture of the office and the atmosphere. There was no dry presentation of facts, which you can also find in the job description, but an open communication about all the advantages and the few disadvantages of the job.

During the course of this morning, I was taken directly to a meeting in which we spoke our minds about the future color concept of Netstream's new brand world. Here, too, there was no skeptical eyeing of who I might be. Three sticky dots were put in my hand and I was allowed to participate directly. I felt comfortable right from the start.

Mail of the day

The following day I received an e- mail from Leandra (HR) with the subject "Feedback". My heart stopped for a moment, because the first thought was: "Please not another standardized e-mail with a negative response, as I had experienced many times before". In the text, however, I find the complete opposite, no platitudes, no boilerplate:

"We would love to welcome you to our team 🙂 ! You have convinced everyone without any ifs and buts and we would really love to have you start with us. "

I screamed with joy!

In the end...

... I can really only say one thing:

Dear Eva, dear Stefano, dear Leandra Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing us how things can be done differently. With the open way and the real interest in people and without standardized interviews. This is how you can really feel welcome in the team!

A continuation about my experiences in the first months at #TeamNetstream will follow. But one thing in advance: If you come to Netstream, especially from a larger company where you could get lost in the large mass of employees, you will look in vain for anonymity here.

In the end...

... I can really only say one thing:

Dear Eva, dear Stefano, dear Leandra Thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing us how things can be done differently. With the open way and the real interest in people and without standardized interviews. This is how you can really feel welcome in the team!

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