Balance Telecom Rating 2018

Balance 2018

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Nestream consolidates position at the top

Netstream is one of the most popular providers in Switzerland. This is confirmed by the results of this year's Bilanz Telekom rating. On its 20th anniversary, Netstream can be pleased about four top 5 rankings.

In the renowned Bilanz Telekom Rating, business and residential customers again gave Netstream's services very positive ratings this year. In fixed-network telephony, Netstream receives top marks from residential customers and takes second place - tied with the leader in points. Business customers are also very satisfied with the fixed-network offering and vote Netstream into fifth place. As in previous years, this puts us ahead of providers such as Sunrise, UPC and Swisscom.

Netstream is also among the top performers in the Internet service provider category and was voted an excellent second place by residential customers. In terms of quality, support, and flexibility, we received the best marks of all providers evaluated. The good result is rounded off by a good fifth place in the Internet Service Provider & Corporate Network area in the business customer environment.

The Swiss ICT market is highly competitive and subject to a continuous development process. Netstream's goal is not only to keep up with this process, but to always be one step ahead of it.

Our primary goal is to always inspire our customers with pioneering products. To ensure this and further consolidate the top results in the Bilanz Telekom rating, the focus in the design of all products is on added value for customers.

Alexis Caceda, CEO of Netstream AG

In the future, this intention will also be reflected in Netstream's brand world. To this end, Netstream will be presenting itself with a new logo and a new website starting next week. In addition to the revised brand identity, customers can also look forward to further innovative new features. Netstream is currently working on a new, pioneering solution in the TV sector.

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