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File Sharing from the Swiss Data Center

File sharing

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Today's workplace must smoothly enable virtual collaboration while working on the move. An important success factor for this is a flexible and secure file sharing solution. Our certified partners will show you alternatives to Dropbox, OneDrive & Co. and advise you individually and personally.

Currently, many employees are in their home offices. From there, they communicate with colleagues and customers, save data, share folders and files, and work on them together. Collaboration tools such as Teams, TeamViewer or Zoom ensure verbal and visual exchange with colleagues and customers. For many companies, the question arises as to which tool they can use to implement this collaboration approach at the file level as well - without compromising on user-friendliness and security.

Sustainable solutions are needed for data security

One thing is clear: if the employer does not provide its employees with the appropriate IT infrastructure, they usually know how to help themselves and use online platforms such as wetransfer in the interests of productivity and making work easier. This achieves the actual goal. But what about security? Does data that is potentially worth protecting leave Switzerland? Can business data be moved beyond the company's borders in this way? From the company's point of view, sustainable file sharing solutions should be found here that work well and are easy to use, while also fully covering security requirements.

Reliable file sharing services from certified Netstream partners

Thanks to file sharing services such as Nextcloud from our certified Netstream partners, employees can easily access their files, photos and documents and collaborate with team members, customers and partners. At the same time, corporate IT can ensure that no unauthorized persons can access this data. That's because all data is encrypted, and access itself is also via a secure and encrypted connection.

Safety "made in Switzerland

Security-critical workloads are in good hands with our partners. This is because their file sharing solutions are provided from our company's own highly secure Swiss data centers.

All advantages at a glance

  • Easy and flexible access for mobile working
  • Modern and user-friendly web interface, desktop clients and mobile applications
  • Highest security through powerful encryption features and integrated rule-based file access control
  • Flexible scaling (or also reduction)
  • "Swiss Safety" thanks to Netstream's proprietary Swiss Data Centers.

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