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Backup and recovery modernization


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Today, no company can avoid backing up its corporate data. Due to growing data volumes and increasing compliance requirements, backup solutions must be reconsidered and sustainably optimized. With the use of a cloud infrastructure, conventional backup solutions can now also be reconsidered and sustainably modernized. Because in recent years, not only have the requirements changed, but the volume of data has also increased.

Is your corporate data adequately protected? Is your backup solution already redundant for additional data security? How fast is the data exchange in case of recovery? Do you want to migrate completely or only partially to the cloud? These kinds of questions cause headaches for many companies. But they don't have to be, because the cloud offers secure and, above all, simple approaches for modernizing your backup here.

Moving your backup strategy to the cloud is a great way for enterprises to get started. Benefit immediately from the diversity of the cloud - it adapts optimally to your needs. Choose a partner for your backup strategy who will work with you to find the best solution for you. We accompany you through this process together with our partners. 

Complete solution

You want to save internal resources and put your backup strategy in experienced hands? At this point, Netstream offers a Backup as a Service package with which you no longer have to worry. Depending on customer requirements, we provide you with the right backup strategy. In the process, backup and disaster recovery solutions go hand in hand.

Expand current infrastructure

Do you use one of the popular S3-enabled file management systems such as Veeam, Rubrik, Acornis, Commvault, Bacula, Altar or Barracuda? Do you use a NAS system to back up your data? You don't want to rebuild or renew the complete infrastructure?

With Netstream's object storage, a wide variety of backup environments can be seamlessly connected. This reduces your backup storage costs, gives you more flexibility and stores your data in a geo-redundant manner - regardless of your existing backup infrastructure. With regard to long-term archiving (LTA), which is mandatory in many industries, object storage can also make an important and legally compliant contribution and ensures the permanent availability of information.

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