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Netstream launches "Kubernetes as a Service powered by VMware Tanzu"


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Today we are launching the Kubernetes platform from VMware Tanzu called "Kubernetes as a Service powered by VMware Tanzu". The fully managed Kubernetes service facilitates the deployment and management of containerized applications. This makes us one of the first three in Europe to offer VMware Tanzu.

VMware Tanzu provides the foundation to modernize infrastructure and applications using container management. Developers get a modern application infrastructure with this solution so they can develop better software and bring innovative applications to market faster. Administrators benefit from full control over security and policies, and the ease of provisioning new clusters - as simple as provisioning new virtual machines. With centralized management, application developers and operations teams work together toward the goal of shorter release cycles.

We have been using the container platform for years to modernize and develop our own TV platform and apps. Now, by making Kubernetes as a Service available, we want to enable other companies to reap the benefits of the service - fully managed.

"With full management by VMware Tanzu and native integration into our cloud, we enable enterprises and developers to enjoy the benefits of the Kubernetes service and thus benefit from the combined power of the VMware group and Netstream AG," said Reto Kasser, CTO of Netstream AG. "From our own experience, we know how difficult it is to achieve convergence between virtual machines and orchestrated containers. In contrast to the existing self-managed Kubernetes environments, together with VMware we offer a fully managed enterprise-level solution that enables the described convergence. This allows us to support a wide variety of enterprise types on their digital transformation journey."

"We very much welcome Netstream AG launching a Kubernetes as a Service offering based on VMware Tanzu. This gives our joint customer base the ability to run virtual machines and Kubernetes side-by-side, simplify K8s operations, enable developer self-service, and access the best of open source from a Swiss datacenter as a fully managed service at the enterprise level," said Thomas Krieg, Senior Director Alps at VMware.

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