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Netstream sells hosting division to Internet Group AG

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Netstream AG starts realignment and will focus even more on its core business. After an analysis of the portfolio, the board of directors decides that the hosting division does not fit the future of the company and is looking for a new owner. The telecommunications provider was able to win Internet Group AG as a buyer for the entire division and will start the migration by the end of the month.

As early as 2018, we began to transform and realign ourselves. The presentation of the new brand identity had to be followed by the revision of the portfolio. At the end of last year, the administration of Netstream AG finally decided that the hosting division did not fit the company's future core business and that a new owner should therefore be sought. The sales process was then initiated.

Alexis Caceda, CEO of Netstream AG, provides the rationale for this decision as follows:

Last year, we presented our vision and mission. This allows us to think much further and thus not only focus on the existing business areas. Even in a very competitive market environment, we had a lot of fun for many years and were able to successfully inspire our customers. Nevertheless, the hosting division was no longer a strategic business area, which ultimately contributed significantly to the decision.

- Alexis Caceda, CEO, Netstream AG

The aim of the Board of Directors is to focus the combined forces on the strategic direction and to sell the hosting division to a suitable provider in order to provide a new home for the long-standing and loyal customers.

We were particularly keen to find a strong new owner who has the basis and know-how for the successful further development of the division. Internet Group AG has been scoring points with innovative IT solutions since 2007 and serves several thousand private customers and over 1,200 business customers. With its knowledge, Internet Group AG will be able to continue operating the hosting division in the best possible way.

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