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We wish you happy holidays and a happy new year!


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An exciting year is drawing to a close!

In just under two weeks, the year 2019 and with it the second decade of the 2000s will already be history. What will the new decade bring with it?

For us, 2019 was full of exciting projects, great meetings and new partnerships.

Before we go into some highlights, we would like to say THANK YOU and wish you happy and relaxing holidays and a good start into the new year 2020.

A new strong partner at our side

Together with Zibris we want to "ABOVE THE CLOUDS"! This year we officially launched our partnership with Zibris AG. Together we will rock the cloud market and open up new opportunities for the channel.

The partnership between Netstream and Zibris gives resellers the opportunity to evolve from the classic hardware project business into a "retention revenue" setup. We are always available as a manufacturer with our cloud expertise.

Naturally, the partnership had to be given a fitting kick-off. This took place in a unique location at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne. But see for yourself...

Project: "We plant trees

Our little plants have become real little trees.

For our 20th anniversary in 2018, we wanted to give something back to nature. So we promised to plant trees. We finally kept our promise. With the professional support of the Witikon Timber Corporation, our team was able to plant a total of 200 trees in the Witikon forest.

We now say goodbye to the Christmas and New Year vacations and will soon be back full of vigor for you.

We are already looking forward to an exciting 2020 with our #TeamNetstream, our partners and new opportunities. We thank you for your loyal readership!

Your #TeamNetstream

Special opening hours & holidays

Tue, 24.12.2019, 09:00 - 16:00
Wed, 25.12.2019, closed
Thu, 26.12.2019, closed
Tue, 31.12.2019, 09:00 - 16:00
Wed, 01.01.2020, closed
Thu, 02.01.2020, closed

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