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Object Storage

Der flexible Schweizer S3 Cloud Speicher



pro GB und Monat

S3 Object memory

Object Storage provides the highest availability for your data and is 100% compatible with AWS' S3 standard.

This guarantees seamless integration into your existing services or application scenarios such as big data, analytics, backup or archive solutions. Simply connect the object storage to your existing backup infrastructure and gain security, flexibility and geo-redundancy.

Cloudian HyperStore® appliances are built on a robust object storage platform for handling massive amounts of unstructured data. It features almost unlimited scalability, geographic independence and multi-tenancy.

The administration of the Object Storage is done via a web portal, where you can make all configurations yourself.

Entscheiden Sie selbst, ob Sie bequem Pay-as-you-go nutzen wollen oder lieber fixe Bundles nehmen. Mit einer jährlichen oder mehrjährigen Zahlung wird der Speicher noch günstiger, dank attraktiver Rabatte. Das Pay-as-you-go-Modell gibt es ab Minimum 1TB Speicherplatz und wird danach monatlich auf 1GB genau abgerechnet.

Dank des S3 Protokolls können viele verschiedene Lösungen (wie beispielsweise NAS-Speicher) direkt angebunden und Daten so archiviert werden.

Object Lock prevents deletion of object versions during a user-defined retention period. Immutable S3 objects are protected by configuring WORM and retention attributes at the object or bucket level. The retention policy is defined using the S3 API or default values at the bucket level.

More about Object Lock.

Erasure Coding (EC) is a method of data protection in which data is fragmented, expanded, and encrypted with redundant pieces of data and stored in different locations or on different storage media.

High compatibility

S3 compatible

100% compatible with the S3 standard. This allows you to easily integrate backup or archive solutions as well as any S3-compatible application.

No limitations

Use buckets and users without limits.

simple redundancy

Additionally, back up your data to object storage and get easy redundancy.

without borders

Scale at any time - no usage limits or reservations.

simple cost model

Simple and transparent pricing models with pay-as-you-go or price security thanks to bundles.

Object Lock

Use Object Lock (WORM) to ensure that data remains protected and immutable.

Certain data can thus not be deleted or overwritten for a certain period of time. This can help protect data from accidental deletion or unauthorized access.

Object Lock can also help ensure compliance with regulations such as data privacy (DSG, revDSG, DSGVO) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which have specific requirements for storing and protecting data.

Object Lock is one of the Object Storages that allows a user to mark objects within a bucket as immutable, meaning they cannot be modified or deleted by any application or user during a user-specified retention period.

In compliance mode, a protected file or object cannot be overwritten by a user or even by Netstream Engineers. When an object is locked in compliance mode, its retention date cannot be shortened and it remains immutable until the end of the retention period.


In Governance mode, only users with special permissions, such as the root user of the account, can decrease the retention settings. This allows you to grant special permission to some users as needed.

Object Lock is one of the basic features and does not cost extra.

Perfectly suitable as an archive for your data.

Use Object Storage as a secure and simple archive solution. Thanks to the seamless integration of different providers, you can easily back up and archive your data geo-redundantly to the cloud and restore your data at any time.


Archive for Veeam

Easily connect your Veeam appliance to Archive Storage.


Archive for category

Easily connect your rubric appliance to Archive Storage.


Archive for Synology NAS

Create a Synology NAS backup via the built-in Backup to S3 function. 


Archive for QNAP NAS

Create a QNAP NAS backup directly via the built-in remote replication function. 

Archive via S3

Connect your Amazon S3 compatible applications directly to our Archive Storage.

Test 14 days free of charge

Test the Object Storage "CLASSIC" for 14 days free of charge and without obligation.

Test the Object Storage variant "Classic" now for 14 days without risk - no credit card required. After the trial period, you decide flexibly whether you want to continue using the product or not (no automatic renewal).

Register now for your Object Storage Test Package - free of charge and without risk.

Learn more.

Learn more about your options with Netstream Cloud. Leave your contact details and we'll get back to you.

Or call us at:
058 058 40 00

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