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Alexis Caceda interviewed by Inside Channels

Inside Channels

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Alexis Caceda, CEO of Netstream, tells Inside Channels in an interview why a lot of investment is being made right now to break new ground and anchor a new climate of innovation.

About three years ago, we realized for the first time that we could no longer implement new ideas at the pace to which we had previously been accustomed.

Alexis Caceda, CEO, Netstream AG

Caceda is not talking about the company's successes this time. He's not talking about the latest offerings in the cloud, Internet, telephony, hosting, TV and wholesale sectors addressed by Netstream. Instead, he discusses a moment in the company when he and his two co-founder colleagues, Reto Kasser and Dominik Breitenmoser, noticed that the former ease of innovation seemed to have been lost in the company, which has now grown to 80 employees.

You can read all about what our CEO told us in the interview and exactly what this change looks like in the interview with Inside Channels.

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