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Anniversary campaign: "We plant trees".

Plant trees team

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Netstream plants 200 trees - another step towards the vision

For our 20th anniversary at the end of 2018, we launched our "We plant trees" project. We have now kept our promise to plant trees for our new customers and planted 200 young trees.

Our vision

"Imagine people living fulfilled lives in harmony with technology and nature," said Alexis Caceda, CEO of Netstream. This is exactly the vision our company is striving for the next 20 years. We have already implemented some sustainable measures in 2018. For example, in the summer of 2018, we decided to modernize the cooling of our data center and relied on a so-called free-cooling system. "To ensure that our vision doesn't just remain a vision, but becomes a fact, we launched our anniversary campaign "We plant trees"," says Dominik Breitenmoser, CIO of Netstream.

Our forest has many important functions for everyone. For example, it is a CO2 reservoir, a water reservoir and also has a cooling effect on the city of Zurich.

Peter Lang, Witikon Timber Corporation

Anniversary campaign: "We plant trees".

As part of our 20th anniversary, we wanted to plant a tree for every new customer who orders a product from Netstream by the end of February 2019. "Our customers were enthusiastic about our project, which delighted me personally and also our entire #TeamNetstream. We decided to extend the promotion by one month due to the good feedback," said Alexis Caceda, CEO of Netstream AG.

On Friday, April 5, 2019, the time had come. Our team was able to plant a total of 200 trees in the Witiker forest with the professional support of the Witikon Timber Corporation.

We inherited the forest from our parents and borrowed it from our children.

Markus Tanner, District Forester Witikon

2019 also full of exciting sustainability projects

We are already working on the next projects and promise more surprising measures that will take our company another step towards the vision.

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