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Reportage: A rock band shakes up the cloud market


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A unique location, fine coffee at a great bar and inspiring rockers. What I experience at my first meeting with our distribution partner Zibris knocks my socks off. A report on the partnership between Netstream and Zibris.

"I used to think partnerships were always the same and therefore boring. As boring as a classical concert, when the music doesn't speak to us and slow sentences drag on for eternity," says Björn, our Cloud Solution Sales, as we leave Netstream's office in Dübendorf for Lucerne. "Classical concerts are emblematic of boredom for me - the long notes run through your whole body and you're paralyzed. Running away is not an option. And today? Today I know that partnerships can rock," he continues.

It's 8:00 in the morning. I, Natasa Kovacevic, Marketing & Communications Manager at Netstream, am driving to Lucerne to Zibris AG together with Björn. Zibris has been our distribution partner for our cloud solutions for a few days. It is the first face-to-face meeting of both marketing departments.

"Here I am. Ba-bam. Ba-ba- Rock you like a Hurricane." As I sit in Björn's car, still smiling at Björn's last words, Björn grooves along to "Rock you like a Hurricane" by Scorpions.

How it all began

"You know Natasa, Zibris AG is not a usual distributor. It's a rock band - just like us," says Björn with his likeable Dutch accent, while using his hands as air drums for a brief moment. Björn tells me how it all began.

"It was important for us to find a distribution partner that fits us. With Zibris, we chose a partner with whom we can grow together." Björn gets serious, but keeps grooving.

A partner who suits us? Can I then look forward to a partner who implements his projects passionately and empathetically and is there for his resellers and customers with enthusiasm? "What exactly do you mean by that?", I ask Björn. "Wait until you get to know him - you'll find out for yourself," he answers me. Slightly irritated by his answer, my nervousness increases. But I let the answer stand.

Dramatic preparation for the first meeting

Arrival in Lucerne. After a one-hour drive and Björn's dramaturgical preparation for the meeting, I am happy that it is finally time. "So Natasa and now let me surprise you." Björn gives me these last words along the way. He says nothing further. We get into the elevator and go up to the third floor. I am excited about what is in store for me.

"Zibris is a rock band. Just like us."

Woooow! Arriving in the entrance area of Zibris, I am flashed. What I see, I had not imagined so. I am greeted by rockers. I remember again Björn's words, which I had not really taken seriously in the car before. "The Zibris is a rock band". And now? Now a real rocker is standing in front of me.

Mariano Isek, Managing Director of Zibris AG, greets me with a broad smile. His gray 10 cm beard, his tattoos and his enthusiastic manner grab me.

"Welcome to the Zibris. It's a pleasure to meet you here today. May I offer you something to drink right now? Mariano leads me to Zibris' own drinks bar. I can't get out of my amazement.

I have the bartender prepare me a delicious coffee. Yes - I don't usually drink coffee. But today I can not resist.

While I'm comfortably drinking my coffee, I get to know other Zibris people. Philip Hasler, graphic designer at Zibris, is one of them. Although he doesn't quite look like a rocker on the outside, I sense that there's a rock star inside him. Will that prove to be true?

So. But now it's getting serious. Or is it?

Our meeting starts punctually at 09:00. Mariano Isek and Alexis Caceda, CEO of Netstream AG, are standing in front of us. All eyes are on them. "Netstream is a strategic partner for us, with whom we will grow together with our resellers in the cloud service environment," Mariano Isek begins.

Alexis Caceda adds: "We leave the direct sale of cloud services to Microsoft, Google, AWS, Swisscom & Co. With Zibris, we have found the absolutely right distribution partner. Together we are rocking the cloud market."

The big smile just won't leave my face. I am thrilled by the people who are there and happy to be part of a great story.

In the next few minutes, we talk about the next milestones with extreme focus - always with a firm goal in mind.

Advantages for resellers

"Together we rock the cloud market". What Alexis Caceda meant by his statement, I learn just at this moment.

The partnership between Netstream and Zibris gives resellers the opportunity to evolve from the classic hardware project business into a "retention revenue" setup. Resellers can now also offer their existing customers cloud solutions and accompany them professionally on their way to the cloud. Netstream AG is available at all times with its cloud expertise. Resellers also benefit financially from the strong partnership between Netstream and Zibris. Netstream is the only cloud provider that sells 100% of its cloud solutions via resellers and offers healthy double-digit margins.

Advantages for end customers

End customers also benefit from many advantages. For example, if they wish, they can continue to stay with the reseller they trust and additionally obtain high-quality cloud solutions. Customized solutions are also part of the portfolio. With Netstream as the manufacturer, end customers also benefit from Swiss data storage and a high level of cloud expertise. End customers receive free accompanied Proof of Concepts (POCs). They can thus directly test whether their cloud project works as desired. At the same time, they find out which is the optimum combination of their infrastructure components. This ensures that all the hoped-for benefits materialize.

Thank you Netstream

I do not like them! The talk is of surprises. And yet I had a great day today. All the chipper people and the enthusiasm for what we've created together so far will stay with me for a long time. Thank you Netstream for allowing me to be part of the team. And now I look forward to rocking the cloud market together with Netstream and Zibris. To put it in Alexis Caceda's words, "Together we rock the cloud market".

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