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New object storage solution from Cloudian brings new benefits


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Netstream AG has been offering cloud solutions in its own Swiss data center since 2017. Technology suppliers include Cisco, VMware, Microsoft and Cloudian. Cloudian's new object storage solution for VMware cloud providers now enables additional benefits for Netstream's customers.

Cloudian kündigte im Juni 2019 eine vollständig native S3-kompatible Object Storage Lösung für VMware Cloud Provider an. Die Object Storage Lösung wird direkt vom VMware vCloud Director, einer Schlüsselkomponente der VMware Cloud Provider Plattform aus verwaltet.

This provides Netstream with an infinitely scalable, cost-effective, and feature-rich storage solution for delivering new and enhanced services to its customers. This enables customers to maintain capacity-intensive application data at low storage costs. Customers' data protection, management, and analytics goals and requirements will continue to be met.

Alexander Burkert, Head of Sales at Netstream AG, has noticed in recent months that his customers are increasingly demanding S3-compatible storage.

Thanks to Cloudian, Cisco Hardware and VMware, we can now deliver the benefits of the proven S3-based solution in a single environment. We have already been able to integrate the brand new technology into the Netstream Cloud, providing our customers with an efficient, integrated and scalable storage solution.

Alexander Burkert, Head of Sales, Netstream AG

VMware certification successfully completed

In recent months, we have been able to convince new partners of us and our cloud solutions. Continuous portfolio expansions bring more and more benefits.

In addition, we also invest in the know-how of our cloud experts. We are proud to have successfully achieved Service Provider Enterprise Level certification with VMware a few weeks ago. Further investments in the cloud area are also planned for the future.

We look forward to all upcoming projects.

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