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Netstream receives ISO 27001 certification


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Netstream AG successfully certifies its entire organization, including in-house data centers, to ISO/IEC 27001, demonstrating that the information security management system in place fully meets the requirements of the standard.

ISO/IEC 27001 is the leading international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). With the certification, companies prove that they have an effective ISMS to protect information, data and systems from unauthorized access. To establish certification, an official testing body audits the conditions, processes and documentation in place at the company.

We have now officially received certification according to ISO/IEC 27001:2013. For this purpose, the certification body SQS examined all existing circumstances and judged that the existing management system meets the requirements of the listed normative basis.

"For our customers as well as for us, the handling of sensitive data is an extremely important topic. With the certification, we can now undoubtedly prove to our customers that we comply with the relevant standard in the area of IT security and that we stand by them as a competent partner," Reto Kasser, CTO of Netstream AG, is pleased with the certification he has received.

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