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Flexibility as a working mum

working mom

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Finding a job with two small children is not easy. After my second maternity leave, I returned to my old employer. My feeling told me on the first day that something was wrong. I suddenly no longer had a fixed job, my projects were all gone and the atmosphere left a lot to be desired. I soon started looking for a new challenge. On the Internet, I saw a job advertisement from Netstream for the position of executive assistant with a 60-80% workload. After looking at the website, I was very convinced and applied immediately.

Leandra, our HR manager, contacted me shortly after and arranged the first appointment for the interview. I was over the moon. At the first interview, I met Alexis, our CEO and Leandra our HR manager. Right from the start of the interview I realized that I would really like both the company and the job.

As a working mother of two children, it is very important to me that the company and my superiors show some understanding when I have to be there for my children and therefore perhaps need more flexibility than others. I therefore immediately mentioned in the first interview that I have a 4-year-old and a son who was eight months old at the time. I informed them that I would like to work a maximum of 60-70%, but only three days of that in the office and half a day from home. What excited me was that I could finally decide for myself whether I wanted to work four hours at a stretch or occasionally throughout the day. This flexibility was very important to me.

The second interview followed directly one day later. The members of the management team Reto and Dominik as well as the HR manager Leandra took part. I really had a good feeling after the interview. I was very impressed by the relaxed manner and the good atmosphere. I had found a potential employer who would make it possible for me to balance work, household and children. I would get the flexibility I needed for myself and my family. After the second job interview, I was accepted for the position the same day. I screamed with joy 🙂

When I started my new job in February 2018, not two weeks went by and my kids were sick. I just thought, "No, this can't be it now. Not now in my probationary period.". I didn't want them to think of me, "She just started and her kids are already sick.". But I was lucky that my husband just had time to take care of the kids so I didn't have to leave the workplace. Meanwhile, I know that it would not have been a problem for Netstream either if I had stayed at home. I was able to work from home in the home office half a day a week from the beginning, which I really appreciated. Alexis once told me, "You can work from anywhere, set it up the way that works best for you.". Of course, that gives me a very good feeling. A feeling of trust, which is very important to me. If circumstances demand it, I'm also happy to spend an extra day in the office because I want to give back to Netstream what I get from it as an employer.

If they need me, I'm there. If I need Netstream, it is also there for me.

I would like to thank you very much for that. Without this flexibility I would not be able to do my job and would probably have a guilty conscience all the time when my family needs me on my work days. THANK YOU!

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