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100 % solar power: Netstream lives sustainability

Solar Power

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Since June 1, 2018, we have been using 100% solar power for our offices and our in-house data center. This underscores our commitment to environmental sustainability.

Sustainability is an important topic for Netstream - on a social, economic as well as ecological level. That is why we have made a conscious decision to rely on 100% solar power.

Alexis Caceda, CEO of Netstream AG

Together with the natural power specialist Fairpower, we developed a concept that made the conversion easy to implement and financially viable. Now, both the company's own 500 m2 data center and all of Netstream AG's offices are powered by 100% solar electricity.

Promoting renewable energies and efficiency sustainably The choice of Fairpower as a partner, an independent natural power specialist with a focus on solar power, also opens up further interesting opportunities for collaboration. These arise from the numerous parallels between the solar power business and the cloud business. "We've been talking about the Internet of Energy and the Energy Cloud since our founding in 2013," says Marco Rüegg, Managing Director of Fairpower. "However, market regulations have prevented innovative models until now." Because cloud services are energy-optimized and reduce energy consumption, Fairpower wants to promote Netstream services in its environment. A sustainable collaboration: for more efficiency and for renewable energies.

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