20 years of Netstream - the Birthday Project


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Three teenagers who start a company in the attic of their parents' house. What reads like the script of a Hollywood movie is the story of how Netstream came to be.

A popular provider of cloud, Internet, telephony, hosting, TV and wholesale solutions, Netstream celebrates its 20th anniversary today.

The vision of Netstream

Imagine people living fulfilled lives in harmony with technology and nature.

This is precisely Netstream's vision, which the company is striving to achieve over the next 20 years. A number of sustainable measures have already been implemented this year. In the summer of 2018, for example, Netstream decided to modernize the cooling system of its data center and thus opted for a so-called free-cooling system. The Swiss Climate Foundation supported this ecologically valuable conversion with a grant. Many other exciting measures are already planned for 2019.

For the 20th anniversary we plant trees for a good cause

As part of its 20th anniversary, Netstream has now come up with a special project. For every new customer who orders a product from Netstream by the end of February 2019, a tree will be planted.

Trees perform a variety of tasks for us. For example, they produce oxygen, bind carbon and slow down climate change. By planting trees, we want to work for a better world, step by step.

Alexis Caceda, CEO, Netstream AG

In March 2019, Netstream will define a day on which voluntary employees can plant trees. The goal is to plant a variety of native tree species in the Wittikon region to create a new area of mixed forest. "It makes us happy when we as an IT and telecommunications company can do something good for nature together with our employees," concludes Caceda.

Anniversary Interview

In our anniversary interview, the three founding members Alexis Caceda (CEO), Reto Kasser (CTO) and Dominik Breitenmoser (CIO) - who have always remained loyal to the company - recall Netstream's beginnings and report on entrepreneurial highs and lows over the past two decades.

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