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Certification according to ISO/IEC 27001

ISO 27001

We are ISO/IEC 27001 certified - and proud of it.

ISO/IEC 27001 is the leading international standard for information security management systems (ISMS). With the certification, companies prove that they have an effective ISMS to protect information, data and systems from unauthorized access. To establish certification, an official testing body audits the conditions, processes and documentation in place at the company.

The security of information is increasingly becoming an indispensable component of good corporate governance. An information security management system (ISMS) in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 27001 provides a risk-based and cost-optimized basis for coping with the constantly increasing demands on information security. 

ISO/IEC 27001 promotes awareness of the need to protect information as assets (company-wide awareness). Causes the identification and minimization of information security risks, ensures the legal as well as the contractual basis and promotes trust in contact with customers, public organizations and in the e-commerce sector.

An Information Security Management System (ISMS) is the set of procedures and rules within an organization that are designed to permanently define, manage, control, maintain, and continuously improve information security.

The term is defined in the ISO/IEC 27002 standard. 

Netstream AG has had the entire organization, including data centers, certified. No exclusions took place.

Netstream was first certified in March 2022.

Certification is sought for three years at a time. In the sense of continuous further development, a maintenance audit takes place annually and a recertification audit after three years.


For both our customers and ourselves, the handling of sensitive data is an extremely important issue. With the certification, we can now prove to our customers without a doubt that we comply with the relevant standard in the area of IT security and that we stand by them as a competent partner.

- Reto Kasser, CTO Netstream AG

Certification body

The Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS) is an organization for certifications and the performance of examinations and audits and in this context has taken over the examination of the ISMS of Netstream AG.


You can find out more about SQS at

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