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Netstream chooses Cloudian HyperStore


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Being able to offer our customers simple, flexible, yet secure cloud storage that is available 24/7 was critical for us. That's why we chose HyperStore from Cloudian.

As a result, Netstream customers benefit from a solution that is optimized for enterprise requirements and fully compatible with Amazon's S3 cloud storage protocol.

Customers can thus use this technology as a capacity-oriented and at the same time cost-effective secondary storage in addition to the high-performance flash memory/primary storage - while at the same time increasing availability.

With this solution, we guarantee seamless integration into existing services or application scenarios such as big data, analytics, backup or archive solutions. This gives our customers the opportunity to store their data easily and flexibly in our own highly secure Swiss data center.

Alexis Caceda, CEO, Netstream AG

Cloudian continues to grow in Switzerland and across EMEA. The partnership with Netstream has been key to this expansion. The growth of unstructured data is getting bigger and bigger, which often makes storage a problem for companies. Together with Netstream, we can offer a unique solution that combines unlimited scalability, geo-distribution, integrated file support and industry-best S3 compatibility.

Jacco van Achterberg, VP EMEA, Cloudian

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