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Hand over the management of your VMware Infrastructure to us

We take care

Leave the management of your VMware environment to Netstream and focus on your core business.

Operating your own IT infrastructure ties up a lot of internal resources that could be used much more efficiently in value creation. With Managed VMware we take over the management of your VMware vSphere environment and the required components. We take over the monitoring and support, the maintenance of your systems, take care of updates and security, optimize your resources and give you recommendations for improving your infrastructure. 

Thanks to various modules, you decide which services you want to source internally or externally.

We take care of hardware, storage and network needed to run your environment.

We manage your hypervisor (VMware ESXi and the vCenter).

We monitor your systems.

If you wish, you can purchase your VMware licenses through us (VCPP)

Our support will assist you based on your selected SLA level.

Increase efficiency

Focus on your core business and leave the management of your infrastructure to us.

Achieve high availability

Through seamlessly efficient management of your hardware and further options for connection to the Netstream Cloud, you can achieve maximum availability.

Outsource management

We take your existing hardware and get the most out of it.

easy migration

Migrate easily and securely to a Netstream cloud model at any time.

Use competencies

Gain access to knowledge your organization lacks and become independent of the skills shortage.

Save costs

Save time and money thanks to outsourcing and get more quality at the same time.

Don't let IT administration and management tasks slow you down.

The management of an IT infrastructure contains a multitude of work and processes, requires broad expertise and ties up resources in the company. Efficient and secure management of the systems is therefore hardly possible for many companies. This results in neglected IT environments, growing security gaps and the increased risk of failures. Therefore, outsource the management of your IT infrastructure and focus on your core business.

Price examples

CHF1800per month
  • 3 Server

  • 1 vCenter

  • incl. storage & network

  • Licenses optional

show more
CHF3125per month
  • 10 Server

  • 1 vCenter

  • incl. storage & network

  • Licenses optional

show more
CHF8200per month
  • 50 server

  • 2 vCenter

  • incl. storage & network

  • Licenses optional

show more
on demandtailor-made
  • tailor-made

  • according to your needs

  • combinable

The prices shown are indicative to give you a first impression. Prices may vary based on the services selected. 

VMware Solution Competency

Our VMware certified specialists play for your team.

Finding specialist staff is currently quite difficult. Therefore, by outsourcing your VMware vSphere environment, you are not just hiring one employee, but an entire team of specialists.

The most frequently asked questions answered

Outsourcing IT management allows you to use your internal resources more efficiently in creating value. Because we can scale management better, we do it far more efficiently than would be possible in most companies with internal resources. So, thanks to IT outsourcing, you can make processes more efficient, increase security and, all in all, save costs.

Thanks to the modular structure of our Managed Services, you decide which services you want to manage in-house and which you want to outsource.

It is often a fallacy that the infrastructure does not need much support. Increasing security requirements, more complex environments and constantly changing business processes demand that IT also evolves along with them. Ensuring this undoubtedly ties up resources in a company. However, these are often resources that could be used more efficiently in the value chain within the company.


Seemingly non-maintenance-intensive IT environments are therefore usually only minimally maintained and are a security risk. How "good" the maintenance actually is often only becomes apparent when the next failure occurs.

Don't let luck decide.

Migration to another cloud model is possible at any time with Managed Services. It gives you the opportunity to outsource much of the management immediately and prepare for the future.

For example, immediately use a hybrid model, such as by leveraging business continuity solutions and simply build a fallback environment in the cloud.

In order for us to take over the management of your systems, we need to analyze your systems and bring them to the best possible state so that we are able to guarantee you stable operation within the framework of our SLAs.

With Netstream's private cloud solution, you get a dedicated server environment in Netstream's data center. 

With the Edge Cloud, you keep the hardware on-site, but we provide you with the hardware, which is included in your costs.

With the Managed XY variant, you keep your own hardware and we only take over the management. 

Yes, we offer packages at a fixed monthly fee.

Clearly, yes. 


Specialists in this field are currently hard to find. Therefore, you can simply rely on the know-how and resources of us and get not only an employee, but a whole team.

You have internal know-how and resources, but cannot achieve redundancy? Thus, there are always phases when you would need active help?

Our service is perfect for you here. We can also support you temporarily or only when needed.

Basically, we can tailor the SLA according to your needs.

In order for us to operate the management securely, we need to update your system once. This way we can provide a secure and highly available service later on. The initial setup costs therefore depend on the status of your systems. We will be happy to provide you with an individual quote for this.


Learn more.

Learn more about your options with Netstream Cloud. Leave your contact details and we'll get back to you.

Or call us at:
058 058 40 00

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Managed Workplace - einfach sorglos arbeiten

Verabschieden Sie sich von dem Balanceakt, Ihr Team produktiv und Ihre IT sicher zu halten, während Ressourcen knapp sind. Unser Managed Workplace bietet Ihnen eine nahtlose, sichere und zugleich skalierbare Arbeitsplatzlösung für alle Unternehmensgrössen.

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