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Arrival / Directions to the Wallisellen site

Visit us in our office in Wallisellen.

Netstream AG
Richtistrasse 4
8304 Wallisellen


Monday - Friday
09:00 - 17:00


The entrance is located between the buildings. Please ring "Netstream AG" in the main entrance. Take the elevator around the corner to the 4th floor.



Glattalbahn No. 12 to Glatt stop


Streetcar / Bus

  • Streetcar line 9
  • Bus No. 94, as far as the Altried stop
  • Bus No. 759, as far as the Glatt stop


Suburban railroad

  • S8/S14

to Wallisellen train station



Follow the signs to Glatt-Zentrum, then the Richti-Areal is signaled.


Parking spaces:

The entrance to the parking lot is located between the car garage and the highway. Please buy a ticket.



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