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The activeIT operated its own on-premises infrastructureto successfully implement the solutions for its end customers. With the steadily growing requirements for storage capacity and performance, the the question arose for the company as to whether the enormous effort required to operate and and expansion and expansion of its own infrastructure was worthwhile. In particular, the lifecycle management of the hardware and the high costs presented activeIT with a challenge. With regard to the goal of also meeting future customer requirements in the form of security, flexibility flexibility and scalability scalability, it quickly became clear that, from an economic as well as and ecological point of view, it made little sense to expand the infrastructure itself.

The strategic decision to replace our own data center and migrate to Netstream has given us a clear market advantage in terms of performance, availability and security. The professional and uncomplicated cooperation with Netstream is important to us and we appreciate it, especially in situations where fast action is required. With Netstream as a strong partner at our side, we can once again concentrate entirely on our core competencies, which also benefits our customers.


Following the open exchange of the various challenges and the needs analysis were various possible solutions were jointly designedto meet the requirements of activeIT to migrate to the cloud. The choice fell on a customized and dedicated infrastructure (Infrastructure as a Service)whose capacity can be easily and flexibly adapted to business needs - an important criterion in a dynamic environment such as the IT industry. In addition to the dedicated environment, part of the infrastructure in the Netstream Public Cloud environment.

After the successful "proof of concept" of the customized solution, the migration to the live platform began shortly thereafter. A migration without interruptions was crucial, as activeIT's customers contain sensitive data and critical workloads. In response to these needs, the migration could be performed cost-effectively during operation using the VMware Cloud Director Availability Suite. This allowed the systems to be transferred from the on-prem solution to the Netstream Cloud in live operation (hot-migration). Netstream's completely "software-defined" data center meant that the complex network requirements were implemented in the shortest possible time.


In order to cover the different requirements in the best possible way, both technically and in terms of licensing, activeIT uses a combined solution consisting of the Netstream Private Cloud (dedicated) and the Netstream Public Cloud (shared). The combination of the two approaches allows a homogeneous environment, which is operated and provided by Netstream. Customer sites are integrated via MPLS as well as via VPN.



Virtual Data Center

Public Cloud Solution

Virtual Data Center

The Virtual Data Center (VDC) enables the complete virtualization of a data center in the Netstream Public Cloud.
Explore VDC

Private Cloud

Bare metal solution

Private Cloud

Private cloud enables dedicated infrastructure (also called bare metal).
Explore private cloud
Object Storage

Object Storage

Archiving solution

Object Storage

Netstream's Object Storage is available to you as a flexible S3-enabled cloud storage simply, securely and around the clock.
Explore Object Storage
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