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Offer an interactive whitelabel TV service

Available Locations:


Netstream, Dübendorf


Netstream, Glattbrugg

Customized TV solution

Add a TV product to your portfolio. We deliver an end-to-end solution according to your needs.

From the receiving equipment to the data center and E2E, we operate everything 100% from Switzerland.

The IP-based solution enables digital TV in top quality with access to over 350 national and international channels both at home on the TV set using a set-top box and on the computer (WebTV) or on the move (MobileTV). IPTV is offered for distribution via a telecommunications service provider by means of a so-called closed data network. The end customer must therefore obtain Internet and TV from the same provider in order to use this type of television.

Unlike IPTV, OTT TV is independent of the Internet provider and can be used via a wide variety of apps and operating systems.

The electronic program guide (EPG) is displayed directly on the screen. The EPG shows the current, upcoming (max. 14 days) and past TV programs (7 days). ReplayTV can be started and recordings can be programmed in this intuitive program guide.

With the ReplayTV function, past programs can be viewed later without being pre-recorded. The function is available up to 7 days in the past.The playback of a program can be paused at any time up to 60 minutes and continued later. Missed scenes can also be viewed again thanks to the rewind function.

With the video recorder, recordings of TV shows are stored in the cloud. These can be accessed at any time via set-top box, computer or on the smartphone and tablet.

Playback of a program can be paused at any time for up to 60 minutes and resumed later. Missed scenes can also be watched again thanks to the rewind function.

Pay TV channels from almost all sectors can be integrated into the program packages and made available to your customers. There are currently over 150 pay TV channels in our portfolio.

fabulous channels

Our portfolio includes over 350 TV channels - around 220 of which are in HD.

highly available

By means of software installed on each client, the quality of the TV signal is continuously monitored and analyzed.

from one source

Providers do not need their own infrastructure, as the TVaas solution is completely operated by Netstream. 

fast time to market

Thanks to a tried-and-tested and scalable solution, you can launch your TV offering on the market quickly and easily.

Swiss solution

Our solution is 100% operated in Switzerland.

Device and location independent

Choose between different platforms and apps that your end customers can use to receive the media streams.

More streaming solutions


Managed service

We put together our service as you need it.

You already have a TV product but need management support? With our managed service, we provide you with uncomplicated and reliable support.


We will be happy to help you.

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